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Help shape Swansea's future - share your thoughts today

Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far! The survey is closing on the 28th June 2024 so if you would still like to respond, please do so before that date – your views are really valuable in helping to shape Swansea in the future. We would like to hear from as many people as possible so please do share with your friends, colleagues, family and neighbours.


Diolch i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu hyd yn hyn! Mae'r arolwg yn cau ar 28 Mehefin 2024 felly os hoffech ymateb o hyd, gwnewch hynny cyn y dyddiad hwnnw - mae eich barn yn bwysig iawn wrth helpu i lywio dyfodol Abertawe. Hoffem glywed gan gynifer o bobl â phosib felly rhannwch â'ch ffrindiau, eich cydweithwyr, eich teulu a'ch cymdogion.

Posted on 21st June 2024

by Swansea City Council

Llunio dyfodol ein Dinas - Rydyn ni nawr yn fyw! - Shaping the future of our City - We're now live!

Diolch am ymweld â'n porth ymgynghori. Cynhelir yr ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus hwn rhwng dydd Mawrth 28 Mai 2024 a dydd Gwener 28 Mehefin 2024 ac mae’n gyfle i roi adborth ar eich profiadau o ganol y ddinas a llywio ei dyfodol. 

Dywedwch eich dweud yma a chofrestrwch i gael y newyddion diweddaraf yn ymwneud â'r ymgynghoriad.


Thanks for visiting our consultation portal. This public consultation runs from Tuesday 28th May 2024 to Friday 28th June 2024 and is an opportunity to provide feedback on your experiences of the city centre and shape its future. 

Have your say here and do sign up to be kept up to date on news related to the consultation.

Posted on 23rd May 2024

by Cyngor Abertawe